LD 1634
pg. 5
Page 4 of 9 An Act To Improve the Maine Rx Program Page 6 of 9
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LR 2173
Item 1

enter into rebate agreements pursuant to this subchapter are public
information.__The department shall release this information to
health care providers and the public.__The department shall impose
prior authorization requirements in the MaineCare program, as
permitted by law, to the extent the department determines it is
appropriate to do so in order to encourage manufacturer and labeler
participation in the program and so long as the additional prior
authorization requirements remain consistent with the goals of the
MaineCare program and the requirements of the federal Social
Security Act, Title 19.

This subsection is repealed when subsection 7-A takes effect.

Sec. 6. 22 MRSA §2681, sub-§7-A is enacted to read:

7-A.__Action with regard to nonparticipating manufacturers and
labelers.__The names of manufacturers and labelers who do and do
not enter into rebate agreements pursuant to this subchapter are
public information.__The department shall release this
information to health care providers and the public on a regular
basis and shall publicize participation by manufacturers and
labelers that is of particular benefit to the public.__The
department shall impose prior authorization requirements in the
MaineCare program, as permitted by law, to the extent the
department determines it is appropriate to do so in order to
encourage manufacturer and labeler participation in the program
and so long as the additional prior authorization requirements
remain consistent with the goals of the MaineCare program and the
requirements of the federal Social Security Act, Title 19.

This subsection takes effect on the date that the department
begins offering prescription drug benefits under the program.

Sec. 7. 22 MRSA §2681, sub-§8, as enacted by PL 1999, c. 786, Pt. A,
§3, is repealed.

Sec. 8. 22 MRSA §2681, sub-§9, as amended by PL 2001, c. 358, Pt. Q,
§6, is amended to read:

9. Dedicated fund. The Maine Rx Plus Dedicated Fund,
referred to in this section as the "fund," is established to
receive revenue from manufacturers and labelers who pay rebates
as provided in subsection 4 and any appropriations or allocations
designated for the fund. The purposes of the fund are to:
reimburse retail pharmacies for discounted prices provided to
qualified residents pursuant to subsection 5; to reimburse the
department for contracted services including pharmacy claims
processing fees, administrative and associated computer costs,
professional fees paid to participating retail pharmacies and
other reasonable program costs; and to benefit the elderly

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