LD 1623
pg. 11
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LR 2124
Item 1

4.__Estimated salary costs.__The commissioner shall determine
the estimated salary costs for the number of staff positions
required under subsection 3.__In order to calculate this amount,
the commissioner, where appropriate, shall use the salary matrix
pursuant to section 15677 for all staff positions in each

5. Salary costs for substitute teachers.__The commissioner
shall calculate the additional salary costs for substitute
teachers for each school administrative unit using the pupil
count arrived at under section 15674, subsection 1, paragraph C,
subparagraph (1).__In order to calculate this amount, the
commissioner shall establish a per-pupil rate for the cost of a
substitute teacher for 1/2 day.

6. Total salary and benefit costs for staff.__The total salary
and benefit costs for staff is equal to the sum of:

A.__The estimated salary costs determined pursuant to
subsection 4;

B.__The amount, as determined by the commissioner, that
equals the statewide percentage of estimated salary costs
determined pursuant to subsection 4 that represents the
statewide benefit costs; and

C. The substitute teacher salary costs determined pursuant
to subsection 5.

§15680.__Per-pupil amounts not related to staffing

1.__Additional cost components.__The commissioner shall
calculate one set of per-pupil amounts for each of the following
cost categories to be applied to the elementary school level and
middle school level and shall calculate another set of per-pupil
amounts for each of the following cost categories to be applied
to the high school level:

A. System administration.__The per-pupil amount for "system
administration" is the actual system administration
expenditures, as defined in the State's accounting handbook
for local school systems, for the most recent year available
excluding expenditures for leases and the purchase of land
and buildings, less revenues to system administration for
services to other governments and refunds from a statewide
school management association, divided by the average
October and April enrollment counts for that fiscal year and
then inflated to an estimated allocation year level by a 10-
year average increase in the Consumer Price Index or other
comparable index;

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