LD 1614
pg. 15
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LR 1999
Item 1

Disproportionate Share - Augusta Mental

Health Institute 0733

Initiative: Transfers Personal Services to All Other for
contracted physician services by eliminating one Physician III

GENERAL FUND2003-042004-05

Personal Services (55,653) (59,942)

All Other55,65359,942



Disproportionate Share - Augusta Mental

Health Institute 0733

Initiative: Transfers funds from Mental Health Services -
Community to Disproportionate Share - Augusta Mental Health
Institute for contracting physician services.

GENERAL FUND2003-042004-05

All Other131,391131,391


GENERAL FUND TOTAL131,391131,391

Disproportionate Share - Bangor

Mental Health Institute 0734

Initiative: Transfers positions to appropriate program. Position
detail on file in the Bureau of the Budget.

GENERAL FUND2003-042004-05

Personal Services (91,721) (95,965)


GENERAL FUND TOTAL (91,721) (95,965)

Disproportionate Share - Bangor

Mental Health Institute 0734

Initiative: Provides funds needed for state General Fund match
due to a decrease in the Federal Financial Participation rate
from 66.22% to 66.01%.

GENERAL FUND2003-042004-05

Personal Services56,33580,078

All Other9,44211,423



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