LD 1614
pg. 13
Page 12 of 201 An Act To Make Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures... Page 14 of 201
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LR 1999
Item 1

Initiative: Transfers funds from Mental Health Services -
Community to Disproportionate Share - Augusta Mental Health
Institute for contracting physician services.

GENERAL FUND2003-042004-05

All Other (131,391) (131,391)


GENERAL FUND TOTAL (131,391) (131,391)

Mental Health Services - Community 0121

Initiative: Transfers funds from Mental Health Services -
Community to Regional Operations to reflect expenditures in
appropriate account.

GENERAL FUND2003-042004-05

All Other (52,500) (52,500)


GENERAL FUND TOTAL (52,500) (52,500)

Mental Health Services - Community 0121

Initiative: Transfers funds from Mental Health Services -
Community to Disproportionate Share - Bangor Mental Health
Institute for the purpose of providing peer support services.

GENERAL FUND2003-042004-05

All Other (3,400) (3,400)


GENERAL FUND TOTAL (3,400) (3,400)

Mental Health Services - Community 0121

Initiative: Provides funds to continue a part-time Planning and
Research Associate I position through October 31, 2004.


Personal Services27,6929,961



Mental Health Services - Community 0121

Initiative: Provides for the transfer of funds from the Substance
Abuse Services program to the Mental Health Services - Community
program to correct curtailment in Public Law 2001, chapter 714.

GENERAL FUND2003-042004-05

All Other54,54854,548


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