LD 1611
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LR 2137
Item 1

E. Any documents submitted by any person for the purpose of
being made making those documents part of the record regarding
any application for a certificate of need or for the purpose
of influencing the outcome of any analyses or decisions
regarding an application for certificate of need, except
documents that have been submitted anonymously. Such source-
identified documents automatically become part of the record
upon receipt by the department; and

F. Preliminary and final analyses of the record prepared by
the staff.; and

G.__Written assessments by the Director of the Bureau of
Health and the Superintendent of Insurance assessing the
impact of the application on the health care system or cost
of health insurance in the State.

Sec. C-8. 22 MRSA §335, sub-§7, ¶¶C and D, as enacted by PL 2001, c.
664, §2, are amended to read:

C. There is a public need for the proposed services as
demonstrated by certain factors, including, but not limited

(1) Whether, and the extent to which, the project will
substantially address specific health problems as
measured by health needs in the area to be served by
the project;

(2) Whether the project will have a positive impact on
the health status indicators of the population to be

(3) Whether the services affected by the project will
be accessible to all residents of the area proposed to
be served; and

(4) Whether the project will provide demonstrable
improvements in quality and outcome measures applicable
to the services proposed in the project; and

D. The proposed services are consistent with the orderly
and economic development of health facilities and health
resources for the State as demonstrated by:

(1) The impact of the project on total health care
expenditures after taking into account, to the extent
practical, both the costs and benefits of the project

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