LD 1600
pg. 46
Page 45 of 360 An Act To Recodify the Laws Governing Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Page 47 of 360
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LR 2121
Item 1

fund receives all funds collected by the department from the
operation of the Maine Wildlife Park, including gate fees, the
proceeds of any sales at the Maine Wildlife Park and any
donations, grants or other funds presented to the department for
the benefit of the Maine Wildlife Park.__All money deposited in
the fund and the earnings on the money remain in the fund to be
used for the management and maintenance of the Maine Wildlife
Park.__Unexpended balances in the fund at the end of the fiscal
year may not lapse but must be carried forward to the next fiscal
year to be used for the same purposes.

2.__Report.__By February 1st of each year, the commissioner
shall submit an annual report to the joint standing committee of
the Legislature having jurisdiction over fisheries and wildlife
matters and the joint standing committee of the Legislature
having jurisdiction over appropriations and financial affairs.__
The report must detail the amount of money collected in the fund
over the course of the prior year and the expense of managing and
maintaining the Maine Wildlife Park.__The commissioner shall make
recommendations concerning how the fund may be increased or
expenses reduced or both so that the Maine Wildlife Park becomes
increasingly financially self-sustaining.

§10255.__Maine Environmental Trust Fund

1.__Fund established.__The Maine Environmental Trust Fund,
referred to in this section as the "fund," is established as a
nonlapsing fund administered by the commissioner for the purposes
of improving state parks and historic sites by supporting the
Maine State Parks Fund established in section 1825, subsection 2
and managing nongame wildlife by supporting the Maine Endangered
and Nongame Wildlife Fund established in section 10253,
subsection 1.__Money deposited with the Treasurer of State to the
credit of the fund may be invested as provided by law.__Income
from these investments must be credited to the fund.

2.__Fund sources.__The fund receives money deposited by the
Treasurer of State pursuant to Title 29-A, section 455 and any
other gift, grant or other source of revenue deposited for that

3.__Distribution from fund.__Money distributed from the fund
may be used for marketing the plates and for the production and
marketing of goods using the environmental plate design.__After
the Treasurer of State has reimbursed the Secretary of State for
costs of producing and issuing environmental registration plates
in accordance with Title 29-A, section 455, the Treasurer of
State shall, at the end of each quarter in the fiscal year,
distribute the balance in the fund as follows:

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