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Page 37 of 360 An Act To Recodify the Laws Governing Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Page 39 of 360
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LR 2121
Item 1

Council.__The report must identify for the immediately preceding

A.__Revenues of the department;

B.__Expenditures of the department; and

C.__The difference between the projected revenues and
expenditures of the department and the actual revenues and

13.__Equipment.__The department shall notify the joint
standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over
inland fisheries and wildlife matters of any heavy equipment
purchase prior to that purchase, including the name of the item
and expected cost.__This same information must be supplied prior
to the purchase of any vehicle.__In addition, the department
shall develop and implement a formal replacement schedule for the
department's radio communication system.__This plan must be
reviewed by the joint standing committee of the Legislature
having jurisdiction over inland fisheries and wildlife matters.

14.__Bond issue.__The department shall submit to the joint
standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over
inland fisheries and wildlife matters plans for a bond issue
prior to submission of the bond issue to the full Legislature.

§10203.__Collection and disposition of money

1.__General.__The following money must be paid to the
Treasurer of State as undedicated revenue to the General Fund:

A.__All fees, fines, penalties, officers' costs and all
other money received, collected or recovered by the court or
the department under any provisions of this Part except
section 10206, subsections 1 and 3; section 10259; section
10353, subsection 3; section 11157; chapter 925, subchapter
3; and chapter 929;

B.__Any fees, fines and penalties recovered by the court
from any prosecution by wardens pursuant to their acting,
under section 10353, subsection 3, with the same powers and
duties as sheriffs; and

C.__Money received from sale, lease or rental of department-
owned property.

2.__Counties not to pay unpaid officers' fees.__Officers' fees
taxed against a respondent, if any, under this Part that are

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