LD 1600
pg. 27
Page 26 of 360 An Act To Recodify the Laws Governing Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Page 28 of 360
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LR 2121
Item 1

A.__The department is not authorized to purchase or raise

B.__All pheasants purchased and raised under an agreement
with the commissioner pursuant to this subsection must be
released under the direction of department officials in
areas open to hunting for the general public.

§10109.__Acquisition and disposal of land

1.__Acquisition of land; wildlife management and public
access.__The commissioner may acquire property pursuant to this
subsection for fish hatchery or fish feeding stations or wildlife
management areas or public access sites.

A.__The commissioner may acquire in the name of the State,
by gift, bequest or otherwise, real and personal property
for the location, construction and convenient operation of a
fish hatchery or fish feeding station or a wildlife
management area or public access sites to inland or coastal
waters.__When acquiring land or interest in land for a
wildlife management area or for a public access site, the
commissioner shall examine options for obtaining public
vehicular access rights to the land.__If an acquisition is
made that does not include guaranteed public vehicular
access, the commissioner shall describe the acquisition in
the annual report submitted pursuant to section 10103,
subsection 11 and the justification for that acquisition.

B.__The commissioner may purchase, lease or take and hold,
for and in behalf of the State as for public uses, land and
all materials in and upon it or any rights necessary for the
purpose of establishing, erecting and operating fish
hatcheries or fish feeding stations or wildlife management
areas or public access sites to inland or coastal waters.

C.__When the commissioner finds that a public need requires
the taking of any land or rights for the purposes set out in
this subsection, the commissioner shall cause the land or
rights to be surveyed, located and described so that the
land or rights can be located.

D.__A plan of the land or rights must be filed and recorded
in the registry of deeds where the land or rights are

E.__The filing of the plan and description vests the title
to the land and right in the State or its grantees, to be
held at the pleasure of the State.

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