LD 1600
pg. 23
Page 22 of 360 An Act To Recodify the Laws Governing Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Page 24 of 360
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LR 2121
Item 1

to the State.__As part of this program, the commissioner may
reduce the price of certain types of licenses for specified
periods of time to promote license sales for hunting and fishing
in the State.__This program may include coordination of
activities between the public and private sectors and utilization
of promotional missions, exhibits, brochures, technical
assistance and expertise as necessary to develop and promote
hunting, fishing and camping activities within the State.__The
commissioner shall coordinate this program with the activities of
the Department of Economic and Community Development.__Any
purchases made as a result of that coordination must be by
competitive bid.

3.__Supersport certificate.__A person may be designated as a
supersport by obtaining a supersport certificate from the
commissioner or the commissioner's agent for a fee of $15.

4.__Landowner relations program.__The commissioner shall
develop and implement a program to improve landowner relations.__
The program must foster public use of private land for hunting
and fishing and promote high standards of courtesy, respect and
responsibility by hunters and anglers for private lands and
prevent abuse of private lands by hunters and anglers.__The
program must have the following 2 components:

A.__A program that supports landowners, called the Support
Landowners Program.__Twelve dollars of each $15 collected
under subsection 3 is dedicated to the Support Landowners
Program.__The Support Landowners Program may:

(1)__Offer a toll-free number for landowner concerns;

(2)__From among existing staff, appoint a landowner
relations coordinator at the Augusta office of the
department and regional landowner relations
coordinators at the regional offices.__Regional
landowner relations coordinators may be appointed only
from the department's recreational safety coordinators
and volunteers;

(3)__Provide linkage with local conservation
organizations, volunteer groups and advisory groups;

(4)__Enhance enforcement of trespass, dumping and
property damage violations;

(5)__Provide educational materials and signs;

(6)__Coordinate with other related landowner relations
activities, including Landowner Recognition Day; and

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