LD 1600
pg. 20
Page 19 of 360 An Act To Recodify the Laws Governing Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Page 21 of 360
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LR 2121
Item 1

(2) If a person knowingly provided false information
that leads to a search and rescue operation, from the
person who provided that false information.

Any person who has knowledge that another person is lost,
stranded or drowned in the woodlands or inland waters of the
State shall notify the Bureau of Warden Service of the

5.__Boundary waters with New Hampshire and Canada. The
commissioner may prescribe bag limits, size limits, open or
closed seasons and methods of taking fish from the inland
boundary waters between the states of Maine and New Hampshire and
provinces of Canada. These rules must be mutually agreed upon by
the commissioners of Maine and New Hampshire and the fishery
authorities of Canada and approved by the Inland Fisheries and
Wildlife Advisory Council.

6.__Establishing line of demarcation. The commissioner,
through an agent designated by the commissioner, may establish a
line of demarcation between a lake or pond and its outlet or
tributaries in areas where the commissioner determines it

7.__Sale of arms and ammunition. The commissioner may sell all
property held or confiscated by the State for violation of laws
relating to the protection of inland fisheries and wildlife.__A
confiscated or forfeited handgun that was confiscated or
forfeited because it was used to commit a homicide must be
destroyed by the State, unless the handgun was stolen and the
rightful owner was not the person who committed the homicide, in
which case the handgun must be returned to the owner if
ascertainable.__For purposes of this subsection, "handgun" means
a firearm, including a pistol or revolver, designed to be fired
by use of a single hand.__The commissioner shall transmit all
money received by the sales to the Treasurer of State to be
credited to the department.

8.__Employee discipline. The commissioner may dismiss, suspend
or otherwise discipline any department employee for cause. This
right is subject to the right of appeal and arbitration of
grievances as set forth in statute.

9.__Possession and disposal of fish and wildlife.__The
commissioner may take possession of sick, injured or dead fish
and wildlife that is not the property of another person.__For any
fish and wildlife possessed by the commissioner under this
subsection, the commissioner may:

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