LD 1593
pg. 3
Page 2 of 11 An Act To Amend Laws Relating to Development of Service Plans for Persons with ... Page 4 of 11
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LR 1972
Item 1

2. Preliminary procedures. Within 10 work days from the day
of the department's receipt of the application and a permission
for service form signed by the client or the client's guardian,
the department shall:

A. Observe Determine when a visit to observe the client in
his the client's current environment or other setting
familiar and comfortable to the client will be appropriate
and useful;

B. Obtain a brief family survey;

C. Make a preliminary assessment identification of the
client's abilities and needs and of the relevant services
presently available to the client; and

D. Ensure the client's access to an advocate throughout the
process of mental retardation services under sections 5467
to 5474.;

E.__Determine what information is needed to establish

F.__Provide services or referral for services to meet
singular immediate needs for the client's health and safety;

G.__Begin to gather information for a service plan or a
personal plan.

Sec. 10. 34-B MRSA §5468, first ¶, as enacted by PL 1983, c. 459, §7,
is amended to read:

After completing the tasks specified in section 5467,
subsection 2, the commissioner shall forthwith cause a
comprehensive evaluation of the client, including a consideration
of physical, emotional, social and cognitive factors, to be
conducted if a recent comprehensive and informative evaluation is
not already available to the department.

Sec. 11. 34-B MRSA §5469, sub-§2, ¶¶A and B, as enacted by PL 1983, c.
580, §20, are amended to read:

A. The department, through the regional office, shall
determine the client's case management status and develop a
prescriptive program personal plan or service plan, or both;

B. If a prescriptive program plan is to be developed, the The
department, through the interdisciplinary planning team,

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