LD 1579
pg. 3
Page 2 of 5 An Act To Promote the Financial Security of Maine's Families and Children Page 4 of 5
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LR 2058
Item 1

(2) If there is no surviving issue, to the decedent's parent
or parents equally;

(3) If there is no surviving issue or parent, to the issue of
the parents or either of them to be distributed per capita at
each generation as defined in section 2-106;

(4) If there is no surviving issue, parent or issue of a
parent, but the decedent is survived by one or more grandparents
or issue of grandparents, half of the estate passes to the
paternal grandparents if both survive, or to the surviving
paternal grandparent, or to the issue of the paternal
grandparents if both are deceased to be distributed per capita at
each generation as defined in section 2-106; and the other half
passes to the maternal relatives in the same manner; but if there
be is no surviving grandparent or issue of grandparents on either
the paternal or maternal side, the entire estate passes to the
relatives on the other side in the same manner as the half.; or

(5) If there is no surviving issue, parent or issue of a
parent, grandparent or issue of a grandparent, but the decedent
is survived by one or more great grandparents or issue of great
grandparents, half of the estate passes to the paternal great
grandparents who survive, or to the issue of the paternal great
grandparents if all are deceased, to be distributed per capita at
each generation as defined in section 2-106; and the other half
passes to the maternal relatives in the same manner; but if there
is no surviving great grandparent or issue of a great grandparent
on either the paternal or maternal side, the entire estate passes
to the relatives on the other side in the same manner as the

Sec. 6. 18-A MRSA §3-203, sub-§(a), ¶(2), as enacted by PL 1979, c. 540,
§1, is amended to read:

(2) The surviving spouse or surviving domestic partner of
the decedent who is a devisee of the decedent;

Sec. 7. 18-A MRSA §3-203, sub-§(a), ¶(4), as enacted by PL 1979, c. 540,
§1, is amended to read:

(4) The surviving spouse or surviving domestic partner of
the decedent;

Sec. 8. 18-A MRSA §5-311, sub-§(b), ¶(2), as enacted by PL 1979, c. 540,
§1, is amended to read:

(2) The spouse or domestic partner of the incapacitated

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