LD 1577
pg. 4
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LR 1853
Item 1

Sec. 11. 20-A MRSA §15603, sub-§8, ¶B, as amended by PL 1997, c. 787,
§6, is further amended to read:

B. Lease costs for school buildings when the leases,
including leases under which the school administrative unit
may apply the lease payments to the purchase of portable,
temporary classroom space beginning January 1, 1988, have
been approved by the commissioner for the year prior to the
year of allocation. Beginning July 1, 1998 lease cost

(1) Administrative space. A school administrative
unit may lease administrative space with state support
until July 1, 2003. A school administrative unit
engaged in a lease-purchase agreement for
administrative space is eligible for state support
until July 1, 2008;

(2) Temporary interim nonadministrative space.

(a) A school administrative unit with state-
approved need for nonadministrative space may
lease temporary interim space, with state support,
for a maximum of 5 years. A school administrative
unit may appeal to the state board if this
division limitation presents an undue burden. The
board's decision is final. When making a
determination on a school administrative unit's
request for relief based on undue burden, the
state board may consider, but not be limited to,
the following:

(i)__Fiscal capacity;

(ii)__Enrollment demographics; and

(iii)__Unforeseen circumstances not within
the control of the appealing school
administrative unit.

The state board's decision is final.

(b) A school administrative unit engaged in a
lease-purchase agreement for temporary interim
nonadministrative space is eligible for state
support for a maximum of 10 years; and

(3) Permanent small nonadministrative space that replaces or is
converted from existing approved leased portable space. The
existing leased portable space

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