LD 1574
pg. 37
Page 36 of 42 An Act To Make Additional Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations for the E... Page 38 of 42
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LR 2088
Item 1

Sec. L-1. State Bureau of Identification; fees. In accordance with the Maine
Revised Statutes, Title 25, section 1541, the Commissioner of
Public Safety is authorized to adjust the fee schedule for criminal
history record checks effective May 1, 2003.


Sec. M-1. Carrying balance. Notwithstanding any other provision of
law, $100,000 in the All Other line category in the
Administrative Services and Corporations, General Fund account in
the Department of the Secretary of State shall carry forward to
fiscal year 2003-04 to be used for the same purposes.

Emergency clause. In view of the emergency cited in the preamble,
this Act takes effect when approved.


This bill does the following.


Part A makes appropriations and allocations of funds.


Part B does the following:

1. Lapses funds from the General Fund Salary Plan account in
the Department of Administrative and Financial Services to the
General Fund in fiscal year 2002-03;

2. Authorizes the Governor to transfer by financial order
positions authorized by the Legislature between accounts and
between departments and the authority to transfer the available
balances of any General Fund appropriation between line
categories, accounts and departments in fiscal year 2002-03;

3. Authorizes the State Controller to transfer funds from the
Risk Management - Claims, Internal Services Fund account in the
Department of Administrative and Financial Services to the
unappropriated surplus of the General Fund in fiscal year 2002-
03; and

4. Authorizes the State Controller to transfer funds from the
Fund for a Healthy Maine, Other Special Revenue Funds account

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