LD 1574
pg. 33
Page 32 of 42 An Act To Make Additional Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations for the E... Page 34 of 42
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LR 2088
Item 1

Plan, General Fund account in the Department of Administrative and
Financial Services lapses to the General Fund in fiscal year 2002-

Sec. B-2. Appropriation and position transfers. Notwithstanding any other
provision of law, the Governor is authorized by financial order
to transfer positions authorized by the Legislature between
accounts and between departments and to transfer the available
balances of any General Fund appropriation between line
categories, accounts and departments in fiscal year 2002-03.
When the Governor determines that the transfer of a position is
necessary, any incumbent in the transferred position at the time
of transfer must be transferred along with the position.

Sec. B-3. Risk Management Claims; transfer of funds. Notwithstanding any
other provision of law, the State Controller shall transfer
$407,117, in one-time savings, from the Risk Management - Claims,
Internal Service Fund in the Department of Administrative and
Financial Services to the unappropriated surplus of the General
Fund no later than June 30, 2003.

Sec. B-4. Fund for a Healthy Maine; transfer of funds. Notwithstanding any
other provision of law, the State Controller shall transfer
$350,000 from the Fund for a Healthy Maine, Other Special Revenue
Funds account in the Department of Administrative and Financial
Services from funds returned as a result of audits of Fund for a
Healthy Maine agencies to the unappropriated surplus of the
General Fund no later than June 30, 2003.


Sec. C-1. PL 2003, c. 20, Pt. SS, §7 is amended to read:

Sec.* SS-7. Closure of 13 state liquor stores. Notwithstanding any other
provision of law, the Department of Administrative and Financial
Services, Bureau of Alcoholic Beverages and Lottery Operations is
directed to implement the closure of 13 state liquor stores
commencing on the effective date of this Act Part and completed
by November 30, 2003 and replace the state liquor stores with
agency liquor stores in accordance with the Maine Revised
Statutes, Title 28-A, section 453.

Sec. C-2. PL 2003, c. 20, Pt. SS, §8 is enacted to read:

Sec.* SS-8. Effective date. This Part takes effect April 17, 2003.

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