LD 1566
pg. 6
Page 5 of 6 An Act To Authorize a General Fund Bond Issue in the Amount of $70,000,000 for ... LD 1566 Title Page
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LR 2044
Item 1

3. $3,000,000 to support educational technology improvements at
the University of Maine System;

4. $3,600,000 in anticipation of $12,000,000 in federal and
private funding for University of Maine System research and
development capital activities;

5. $4,900,000 to expand and equip research and development
facilities at the Portland campus of the University of Southern

6. $4,000,000 in anticipation of $4,000,000 in federal and
private funding for grants to nonprofit marine institutions for
research and development;

7. $25,000,000 for medical research and development by Maine-
based biomedical research institutions in order to obtain
matching federal funds for health research to cure disease and to
retain Maine graduates by providing quality Maine jobs;

8. $1,000,000 to support the State's Applied Technology
Development Centers;

9. $2,000,000 to support Maine Farms for the Future Program;

10. $13,000,000 in anticipation of $30,000,000 in federal and
private funds for affordable housing.

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