LD 1559
pg. 7
Page 6 of 11 An Act To Amend the Laws Concerning State Board of Alcohol and Drug Counselors ... Page 8 of 11
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LR 1971
Item 1

Sec. 19. 32 MRSA §6217-A, as amended by PL 1995, c. 394, §§22 to 25
and PL 1999, c. 547, Pt. B, §78 and affected by §80, is further
amended to read:

§6217-A. Suspension and revocation

The board may suspend or revoke a registration, certificate or
license or certificate of registration pursuant to Title 5,
section 10004. In addition, the board may refuse to issue or
renew or the District Court may suspend, revoke or refuse to
renew a license or, certificate of or registration on any of the
following grounds:

1. Fraud or deceit. The practice of fraud or deceit in
obtaining a registration, certificate or license or a certificate
of registration under this chapter or in connection with services
rendered as an alcohol and drug counselor, alcohol and drug
counseling aide or clinical supervisor;

2. Active abuse. Active abuse of alcohol or any other drug
that in the judgment of the board is detrimental to the
performance or competency of an alcohol and drug counselor,
alcohol and drug counseling aide or clinical supervisor;

3. Mental incompetency. A legal finding of mental

4. Aiding and abetting misrepresentation. Aiding or abetting
a person not duly licensed, certified or registered as an a
provider of alcohol and drug counselor counseling services in
representing that person as a licensed alcohol and drug
counselor, certified clinical supervisor, certified alcohol and
drug counselor or registered alcohol and drug counselor
counseling aide in this State;

5. Unprofessional conduct or negligence. Any gross
negligence, incompetency, misconduct or violation of the existing
code of ethics in the performance of alcohol and drug counseling

6. Criminal conviction. Subject to the limitations of Title
5, chapter 341, conviction of a Class A, B or C crime or of a
crime which that, if committed in this State, would be punishable
by one year or more of imprisonment; or

6-A. Incompetence in the practice of counseling. Any
incompetence in the practice of counseling such as engaging in
conduct that evidences a lack of ability or fitness to discharge
the duty owed by the certified alcohol and drug counselor,
alcohol and drug counseling aide or certified clinical supervisor

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