LD 1553
pg. 24
Page 23 of 25 An Act To Permit Special Purpose Reinsurance Vehicles Page 25 of 25
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LR 1915
Item 1

2.__Investment practices.__In addition, the special purpose
reinsurance vehicle may enter into swap agreements or other
transactions that have the objective of leveling timing
differences in funding of upfront or ongoing transaction expenses
or managing credit or interest rate risk of the investments in
the trust to ensure that the investments are sufficient to ensure
payment or repayment of the securities and related interest or
principal payments issued pursuant to a special purpose
reinsurance vehicle insurance securitization transaction or the
reinsurance vehicle's obligations under the special purpose
reinsurance vehicle contract.

§796.__No transaction of insurance business by investors in


The securities issued by the special purpose reinsurance
vehicle pursuant to a special purpose reinsurance vehicle
insurance securitization are not deemed to be insurance or
reinsurance contracts.__An investor in such securities issued
pursuant to insurance securitization or any holder of such
securities may not by sole means of this investment or holding be
deemed to be transacting an insurance business in this State.__
The underwriters or selling agents and their partners, directors,
officers, members, managers, employees, agents, representatives
and advisors involved in an insurance securitization are not
deemed to be conducting an insurance or reinsurance agency,
brokerage, intermediary, advisory or consulting business by
virtue of their activities in connection with the special purpose
reinsurance vehicle or with the insurance securitization.

§797.__Authority to adopt rules

The superintendent may adopt rules necessary to effectuate the
purposes of this subchapter.__Any rules so adopted do not affect
a special purpose reinsurance vehicle insurance securitization in
effect at the time of adoption.__Rules adopted pursuant to this
subchapter are routine technical rules as defined in Title 5,
chapter 375, subchapter 2-A.

§798.__Exemption from insurance laws within limitations

1.__Titles consistent.__A special purpose reinsurance vehicle
is subject to chapters 1, 3 and 5 to the extent consistent with
this subchapter.

2.__Provisions not applicable.__No other provisions of this
Title are applicable to a special purpose reinsurance vehicle
organized under this subchapter, except as expressly provided in
this subchapter or in rules adopted by the superintendent
pursuant to section 797.

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