LD 1548
pg. 5
Page 4 of 12 An Act To Amend the Election Laws Page 6 of 12
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LR 1937
Item 1

3. Advertising prohibited. A person may not display any
advertising material, operate any advertising medium, including a
sound amplification device, or distribute campaign literature,
posters, palm cards, buttons, badges or stickers containing a
candidate's name or otherwise intending to influence the opinion of
any voter within 250 feet of the entrance to either the voting
place or the registrar's office. The term "sound amplification
device" includes, but is not limited to, sound trucks, loudspeakers
and blowhorns.

Party workers and others who remain in the voting place outside
the guardrail enclosure may not use within the voting place
cellular phones, beepers, voice or signal pagers or similar
devices that make noise or allow direct audible voice
communication within the voting place. The warden may exempt
election officials and emergency workers such as Emergency
Medical Technicians and police from this provision.

A. This subsection does not apply to advertising material
on automobiles traveling to and from the voting place. It
does not prohibit a person from passing out stickers at the
voting place to be pasted on the ballot at a primary
election. It does not prohibit a person who is at the polls
solely for the purpose of voting from wearing a campaign
button when the longest dimension of the button does not
exceed 3 inches.

B. A person who knowingly engages in activities prohibited
by this section commits a Class E crime.

C. Nonpolitical charitable activities and other
nonpolitical advertising may be allowed at the discretion of
the clerk if arrangements are made prior to election day.
If arrangements are not made in advance of election day, the
warden may, at the warden's discretion, either allow or
prohibit nonpolitical charitable activities and other
nonpolitical advertising.

Sec. 17. 21-A MRSA §682, sub-§4 is enacted to read:

4.__Devices for audible communication.__Party workers and
others may not use cellular phones, voice pagers or similar
devices to make audible voice communication within the voting
place that is in violation of subsection 2.

Sec. 18. 21-A MRSA §698, sub-§2-A, as amended by PL 2001, c. 310, §45,
is further amended to read:

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