LD 1545
pg. 5
Page 4 of 8 An Act To Amend the Animal Welfare Laws Page 6 of 8
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LR 1899
Item 1

licensing agent shall transfer the balance of the fee to the
municipal clerk.__The municipality shall deposit $2 in $3 into the
municipality's animal welfare account established in accordance
with section 3945 and pay the remaining $1 $6 to the department for
deposit in the Animal Welfare Fund.

Sec. 10. 7 MRSA §3923-C, sub-§2-A, as amended by PL 1997, c. 690, §18,
is further amended to read:

2-A. License fees. A kennel owner shall pay a fee of $21 $42
to the municipal clerk for each license to keep dogs. A license
is needed only for dogs 6 months of age or older. A kennel owner
may not keep more than 10 dogs per license. The clerk shall
retain $1 $2 as a recording fee and forward $5 $10 to the
municipality's animal welfare account established pursuant to
section 3945 and $15 $30 to the Animal Welfare Fund.

Sec. 11. 7 MRSA §3923-G is enacted to read:

§3923-G.__Internet on-line dog licensing pilot project

The commissioner may develop and implement an Internet-based
pilot project to license dogs on-line.__The project may be
provided as a service to municipalities that volunteer and wish
to participate in the project to allow their citizens to register
dogs on-line.__The commissioner may limit the number of
municipalities that participate in the pilot project.__The
commissioner, working with municipalities, shall establish a way
to evaluate the accuracy of the proof of rabies immunization from
the information provided on-line.__The commissioner may eliminate
the sticker requirement as established in section 3923-B for on-
line dog licensing.__The commissioner shall provide information
regarding the licensed dogs to participating municipalities at
least once per month.__The commissioner working with
municipalities shall evaluate the project at the end of the first
and 2nd years and report the findings to the joint standing
committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over
agricultural matters.__The report must include an analysis of
public acceptance of the project, the need for stickers, the
accuracy of proof of rabies immunization and other information
considered necessary by the commissioner to determine if the
project should be continued.__This section is repealed July 1,

Sec. 12. 7 MRSA §3931-A, sub-§2, as enacted by PL 1991, c. 779, §29,
is amended to read:

2. License fees. The fee for a breeding kennel license is
$50 $75.

Sec. 13. 7 MRSA §3932, sub-§2, as amended by PL 1991, c. 779, §30, is
further amended to read:

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