LD 1545
pg. 3
Page 2 of 8 An Act To Amend the Animal Welfare Laws Page 4 of 8
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LR 1899
Item 1

B.__Provide a photographic identification card to an animal
control officer certified under section 3906-B, subsection 4;

C.__Provide equipment as required in rules adopted pursuant
to section 3906-B, subsection 10 subject to the availability
of funds deposited into the municipality's account
established in accordance with section 3945.

Sec. 4. 7 MRSA §3909, sub-§3, as enacted by PL 1999, c. 254, §2, is

Sec. 5. 7 MRSA §3909, sub-§3-A is enacted to read:

3-A.__Humane agents.__Humane agents are regulated as provided
in this subsection.

A.__An applicant to become a humane agent must meet the
criteria for an animal control officer listed in section
3906-D, subsection 1 and pass a 100-hour service training
program at the Maine Criminal Justice Academy or
successfully complete a nationally recognized program
dealing with animal welfare.

B.__The commissioner shall assign a humane agent to an area
of specialization, including:

(1)__Blood sports;

(2)__Exotic animals;

(3)__Large animals;

(4)__Mental health and domestic violence;

(5)__Small animals; or


C.__A humane agent shall complete 40 hours per year of a
combination of classroom and hands-on workshop training.

Sec. 6. 7 MRSA §3922, sub-§1, ¶B, as amended by PL 2001, c. 422, §6,
is further amended to read:

B. From the dog recorder in the unorganized territory where
the dog is kept or, in the absence of a duly authorized dog
recorder, from a dog recorder in the nearest municipality or
unorganized territory in the same county where the dog is
kept; or

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