LD 1519
pg. 2
Page 1 of 3 Resolve, To Establish a Task Force on the Planning and Development of Marine Aq... Page 3 of 3
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LR 2049
Item 1

the Maine Coastal Program of the Executive Department, State
Planning Office, shall provide staff services to the task force.
The task force or the department may also seek or contract for
technical assistance from any other agency, institution, individual
or group that it determines appropriate to support the work of the
task force; and be it further

Sec. 6. Issues to be considered. Resolved: That the task force shall, at
a minimum, consider the following issues in developing its
recommendations on how to balance the range of potential uses of
state waters and plan for the growth of marine aquaculture while
considering all reasonable constraints and opportunities:

1. Any bay management or aquaculture development strategies
presently being developed in this State and in other national and
international jurisdictions that allocate or plan for amounts of
aquaculture within geographically defined areas. An examination
of these examples must include an investigation of the type of
information and technical and financial resources needed to
implement such a plan in this State;

2. The present size and characteristics of the industry, as
well as the short-term, 2-year, and long-term, 10-year,
projections of industry growth, based on market demand and
capital investment;

3. An assessment of the impacts aquaculture has on tourism,
recreation and conserved lands;

4. An assessment of how the external impact of aquaculture
farms can best be mitigated in an equitable and effective
fashion; and

5. An assessment of present decision-making criteria for
granting leases; and be it further

Sec. 7. Public meetings. Resolved: That, in examining these issues, the
task force shall meet to the extent necessary to fulfill its
duties, as well as hold at least one public meeting expressly for
the purpose of receiving public comment and testimony on its
work; and be it further

Sec. 8. Report. Resolved: That the task force shall submit a report
that includes its findings and recommendations to the Joint
Standing Committee on Marine Resources and the Legislative
Council by January 15, 2004. The task force is not authorized to
introduce legislation. Following receipt and review of the
report, the Joint Standing Committee on Marine Resources may
report out a bill to the Second Regular Session of the 121st
Legislature. If the task force requires an extension

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