LD 1513
pg. 5
Page 4 of 5 An Act To Update the Department of Defense, Veterans and Emergency Management L... LD 1513 Title Page
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LR 1889
Item 1

4. Terms of office. The term of office of the public member is 5
years. The public member may be removed from office for cause by
the Governor. Members from the State Government or Federal
Government shall serve a term coincident with their governmental
position. The term of a representative from the major
hydroelectric power generators is 5 years. Members from private
commerce and industry serve a term as determined by the respective
entities that they represent.

Sec. 12. National Guard Armory. The Department of Defense, Veterans
and Emergency Management shall name the National Guard Armory
located in Caribou the Nelson J. Solman Armory.

Sec. 13. Rescind rules. The rules adopted by the Maine Veterans'
Services entitled "Chapter 1: Veterans Financial Assistance" may
be rescinded without public comment or further approval of the


The bill allows the Adjutant General of the Maine National
Guard to receive excess personal property from the United States
Department of Defense for use by the Department of Defense,
Veterans and Emergency Management. The bill also allows a member
of the Maine National Guard on active state service for more than
15 days after September 1, 1995 to elect to be a member of the
Maine State Retirement System, pay contributions or have pick-up
contributions made on or receive any service credit for the
period from September 1, 1995. The bill also clarifies that an
application for a stay of court or administrative proceeding does
not constitute an appearance. The bill also requires that the
certificate of release discharge from active duty filed with any
state, local or county government is confidential for a period of
75 years. The bill also updates the Department of Defense,
Veterans and Emergency Management laws. The bill also amends the
membership of the River Flow Advisory Commission. The bill also
allows the Department of Defense, Veterans and Emergency
Management to rescind rules pertaining to financial assistance
without public comment or further approval of the Legislature.

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