LD 1507
pg. 12
Page 11 of 12 An Act To Clarify and Update the Laws Related to Health Insurance LD 1507 Title Page
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LR 1913
Item 1

Part B strengthens and clarifies the law requiring notice of
termination of a group health plan. It expands the requirement
to apply to terminations other than for nonpayment of premium and
to apply to dental insurance. It also requires the notice to be
sent to each insured's last known home address and repeals the
requirement to send copies of termination notices to the
Department of Professional and Financial Regulation, Bureau of
Insurance and to the Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor

Part C expands the scope of the law governing 3rd-party
administrators to include entities that administer employee
benefit excess insurance.

Part D clarifies that the requirement for health carriers to
provide experience data to large groups applies with respect to
former policyholders as well as current policyholders.

Part E clarifies the rate information that must be filed with
the Bureau of Insurance with respect to group health insurance.

Part F repeals the provision making long-term care insurance
rates effective for only 3 years and clarifies the rate filing
requirements for individual health insurance to specify that they
apply to association group coverage that falls within the
definition of individual health plan.

Part G corrects several references to the long-term care
insurance laws.

Part H makes several housekeeping corrections. It clarifies
the definition of "private purchasing alliance" by removing a
reference to licensure. It removes reference to "2 or more
carriers" in the purchasing alliance law, consistent with recent
amendments that permit purchasing alliances to use a single
carrier. It clarifies that a provision of the individual health
plan law applies to certificates as well as policies. It exempts
policies from the statute concerning arbitration if they are
subject to the newer statute concerning external review. It
corrects a reference to a tax form. It clarifies the definition
of "downstream risk arrangement." Lastly, it corrects a
reference in the provision concerning discounts on Medicare
supplement insurance.

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