LD 1501
pg. 7
Page 6 of 16 An Act To Amend the Laws Relating to the Maine State Retirement System Page 8 of 16
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LR 1943
Item 1

A. The person may elect to have the service retirement
benefit continued during the period of time the person is
restored to service and the person may not accumulate any
additional service credits.

B. The person may elect to have the service retirement
benefit terminated, again become a member of the
retirement system and begin contributing at the current

(1) The person is entitled to accumulate additional
service credits during the period of time the person
is restored to service.

(2) When the person again retires, the person is
entitled to receive benefits computed on the person's
entire creditable service and in accordance with the
law in effect at the time.

C. Upon being restored to service, the person shall must
elect to have benefits either continued or terminated. If
written notification of the person's election is not
received by the executive director within 60 days of
restoration to service, the person is deemed to have
elected the provisions of paragraph A. The election,
regardless of how it is made, is irrevocable during the
period of restoration to services.

Sec. 11. 5 MRSA §18252-A, sub-§1, ¶¶A and B, as enacted by PL 1997, c.
709, §4, are amended to read:

A. An employee hired by a participating local district,
or rehired following a break in service, after the date on
which the employer provides a plan under section 18252-B
shall must elect at the time of hiring or rehiring whether
to be a member under the retirement system or to be
covered under a plan provided by the employer under
section 18252-B.

(1) If the employee elects to be a member under the
retirement system, the election is effective as of
the date of hire or rehire.

(a) An employee who elects to be a member of
the retirement system may later elect to be
covered under a plan provided by the employer
under section 18252-B. The employee who so
elects shall may, at the employee's discretion,
withdraw accumulated contributions in accordance
with applicable requirements of law and rule and
retirement system procedures.

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