LD 1501
pg. 10
Page 9 of 16 An Act To Amend the Laws Relating to the Maine State Retirement System Page 11 of 16
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LR 1943
Item 1

(c) An employee who, having elected to again
become a member under the retirement system under
this subparagraph, later elects again not to be a
member shall may, at the employee's discretion,
withdraw accumulated contributions in accordance
with applicable requirements of law and rule and
retirement system procedures and may not
thereafter become a member under the retirement
system while employed by the same participating
local district.

Sec. 12. 5 MRSA §18360, first ¶, as amended by PL 1991, c. 479, §5,
is further amended to read:

Service credit for service in the Armed Forces of the United
States is governed as follows. Except as provided in
subsection 1, paragraph B, subparagraph (1), service credit
under this section is limited to 4 5 years.

Sec. 13. 5 MRSA §18360, sub-§1, as enacted by PL 1985, c. 801, §§5
and 7, is amended to read:

1. Service after becoming a member. A member is entitled to
service credit for the period of time during which his the
member's membership is continued under section 18258,
subsection 1, under the following terms and conditions.

A. No A member who is otherwise entitled to service
credit for military leave may not be deprived of these
credits if the member's return to membership service is
delayed beyond 90 days after his the member's separation
from the service in the Armed Forces of the United States,
under conditions other than dishonorable, if the delay is
caused by an illness or disability incurred in the service
in the armed forces.

B. A member may not receive service credit for military
leave beyond the end of the period of first enlistment or
induction or beyond 4 5 years from the date of original
call to active duty in the armed forces, whichever is
less, unless:

(1) The member's return to active duty in the armed
forces or the extension of the period of service
beyond 4 5 years is required by some mandatory
provision; and

(2) The member presents proof of the return to or
extension of service satisfactory to the board.

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