LD 1497
pg. 3
Page 2 of 9 An Act To Amend the Laws Pertaining to the Department of Corrections Page 4 of 9
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LR 1961
Item 1

B. While in custody in a penal institution or other
facility pursuant to an arrest or pursuant to a court order,
he the person commits an assault on a corrections officer,
corrections supervisor or another member of the staff of the
an institution or facility while the staff member is
performing official duties. As used in this paragraph
"assault" means the crime defined in section 207, subsection
1, paragraph A.

Sec. 5. 17-A MRSA §1231, sub-§6, as enacted by PL 1999, c. 788, §7, is
amended to read:

6. The court may revoke a period of supervised release
pursuant to section 1233. If the court revokes a period of
supervised release, the court may require the person to serve
time in prison under the custody of the Department of
Corrections. This time in prison may equal all or part of the
period of supervised release, without credit for time served on
post-release supervision, but may not exceed 1/3 of the straight
term of imprisonment imposed. The remaining portion of the
period of supervised release that is not required to be served in
prison remains in effect to be served after the person's release
and is subject to revocation at a later date.

Sec. 6. 17-A MRSA §1253, sub-§2, as amended by PL 1997, c. 464, §4, is
further amended to read:

2. Each person sentenced to imprisonment who has previously
been detained for the conduct for which the sentence is imposed
in any state facility or county institution or facility or in any
local lockup awaiting trial, during trial, post-trial awaiting
sentencing or post-sentencing prior to the date on which the
sentence commenced to run either to await transportation to the
place of imprisonment specified, or pursuant to court order, and
not in execution of any other sentence of confinement, is
entitled to receive a day-for-day deduction from the total term
of imprisonment required under that sentence. Each person is
entitled to receive the same deduction for any such period of
detention in any federal, state or county institution, local
lockup or similar facility in another jurisdiction, including any
detention resulting from being a fugitive from justice, as
defined by Title 15, section 201, subsection 4, unless the person
is simultaneously being detained for non-Maine conduct.

For the purpose of calculating the day-for-day deduction
specified by this subsection, a "day" means 24 hours.

The total term required under the sentence of imprisonment is
reduced by the total deduction of this subsection prior to

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