LD 1489
pg. 4
Page 3 of 6 An Act To Update and Amend the Revised Maine Securities Act Page 5 of 6
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LR 1912
Item 1

Sec. 19. 32 MRSA §10502, sub-§§8 and 9 are enacted to read:

8.__Abandonment of exemption or notice filing.__An exemption
filing or notice filing required pursuant to this section may
be considered abandoned if the administrator has not received
a response to inquiries or deficiency notices for a period of
at least 120 days.__The administrator shall send an
abandonment notice to the last known address of the filer.__
The filer must respond to the abandonment notice within 30
days to avoid an abandonment determination.__The abandonment
of a filing does not preclude the filing of a subsequent
exemption filing or notice filing.

9.__Fees nonrefundable.__If an exemption filing or notice
filing is withdrawn, abandoned, denied or revoked, the
administrator shall retain the fee paid.

Sec. 20. 32 MRSA §10504, sub-§1, as amended by PL 1999, c. 279, §9,
is further amended to read:

1. Filing of sales and advertising literature. The
administrator, by rule or order, may require the filing of any
a prospectus, pamphlet, circular, form letter, advertisement
or other sales literature or, advertising communication or
business plan addressed or intended for distribution to
prospective investors, including clients or prospective
clients of an investment adviser, unless the security is a
federal covered security or the security or transaction
qualifies for an exemption under section 10502, subsection 2,
paragraphs A to R for which the filing of a notice with the
administrator is not required.

Sec. 21. 32 MRSA §10505, sub-§4, as enacted by PL 1997, c. 168, §28,
is repealed.

Sec. 22. 32 MRSA §10505, sub-§4-A is enacted to read:

4-A.__Fees nonrefundable.__If a notice filing required
pursuant to this section is withdrawn, abandoned or the
subject of a stop order, the administrator shall retain the
fee paid.__A notice filing may be considered abandoned if the
administrator has not received a response to inquiries or
deficiency notices for a period of at least 120 days.__The
administrator shall send an abandonment notice to the last
known address of the filer.__The filer must respond to the
abandonment notice within 30 days to avoid an abandonment
determination.__The abandonment of a filing does not preclude
the filing of a subsequent exemption or notice filing.

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