LD 1470
pg. 5
Page 4 of 8 An Act To Make Minor Substantive Changes to the Tax Laws Page 6 of 8
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LR 1978
Item 1

Sec. 12. 36 MRSA §5215, sub-§3, ¶B, as amended by PL 1999, c. 708,
§44, is further amended to read:

B. With payroll records and reports substantiating that
at least 100 new jobs attributable to the operation of
property considered to be qualified investment were
created in the 24-month period following the date the
property was placed in service. To assess the continuing
nature of the jobs, the taxpayer must demonstrate that the
new jobs credit base is at least $700,000 for the taxable
year of the qualified federal credit or for either of the
next 2 calendar years. The $700,000 must be adjusted
proportionally for any change in Title 26, section 1043,
subsection 2 wages from $7,000. With respect to new jobs
created after August 1, 1998, but before October 1, 2001,
the employer must also demonstrate that the qualifying
jobs are covered by a retirement program subject to the
Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, 29 United
States Code, Sections 101 to 1461, as amended; that group
health insurance is provided for employees in those
positions; and that the wages for those positions,
calculated on a calendar year basis, are greater than the
average per capita income annual wage in the labor market
area in which the employee is employed; and.

Sec. 13. 36 MRSA §5218, sub-§4, as enacted by PL 2001, c. 396, §38,
is amended to read:

4. Refund. The credit allowed by this section may result
in a refund of up to $500. In the case of a nonresident
individual, the refundable portion of the credit may not
exceed $500 multiplied by the ratio of the individual's Maine
adjusted gross income, as defined in section 5102, subsection
1-C,__paragraph B, to the individual's entire federal adjusted
gross income, as modified by section 5122.__In the case of an
individual who files a return as a part-year resident in
accordance with section 5224-A, the refundable portion of the
credit may not exceed $500 multiplied by a ratio, the
numerator of which is the individual's Maine adjusted gross
income as defined in section 5102, subsection 1-C, paragraph A
for that portion of the taxable year during which the
individual was a resident plus the individual's Maine adjusted
gross income as defined in section 5102, subsection 1-C,
paragraph B for that portion of the taxable year during which
the individual was a nonresident and the denominator of which
is the individual's entire federal adjusted gross income, as
modified by section 5122.

Sec. 14. 36 MRSA §5220, sub-§§3 and 4, as enacted by P&SL 1969, c.
154, §F, §1, are amended to read:

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