LD 1456
pg. 3
Page 2 of 4 An Act To Establish the Landowners and Sportsmen Relations Advisory Board Page 4 of 4
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LR 1851
Item 1

serve for l year.__The ad hoc members serve for 3 years.__When a
vacancy occurs, the Governor shall fill the vacancy by
appointing a member from the same category as the member who
vacated the advisory board and that member continues to serve
for the remainder of the term.

3.__Chair; election of board officers.__The members of the
advisory board shall annually elect one of its members as
chair and one of its members as vice-chair.

4.__Quorum.__A majority of the advisory board members
representing landowners and a majority of the advisory board
members representing land users combined constitute a quorum.

5.__Compensation.__Members who are not employed by the
department are entitled to compensation as provided in Title
5, chapter 379.

6.__Staffing of advisory board.__The department shall
provide administrative and staff support to the advisory

7.__Meetings.__The advisory board shall hold quarterly
meetings each year.__Additional meetings may be held as
necessary to conduct the business of the advisory board.

8.__Duties.__The advisory board shall:

A.__Propose changes to or advise the commissioner on
landowner-related laws, rules, department policies or
other significant landowner and land user issues;

B.__Review landowner-related policies and procedures,
conduct studies, evaluate programs and make
recommendations to the commissioner;

C.__Obtain public use of private and public land for
recreational activities by assisting with conflict
resolution as it pertains to public access issues on both
private and public lands and promote greater understanding
and cooperation between owners and users of these lands;

D.__Review and make recommendations regarding programs
administered by other agencies.__The commissioner shall
coordinate all reviews; and

E.__Conduct an organizational review of the advisory board
every 5 years.__This review must affirm to the department that
the advisory board has the membership required by subsection 1
and that the advisory board is fulfilling its duties.__If the
review determines that the advisory board

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