LD 1409
pg. 7
Page 6 of 7 An Act To Update the Process for the Allocation of the State Ceiling on Tax-exe... LD 1409 Title Page
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LR 2020
Item 1

year, including a breakdown of income and costs, the
administrative and operating costs of the corporation, the
assets and liabilities of the corporation, the total excess
revenues over expenditures for the previous fiscal year and the
total accumulation of these revenues, the total income derived
from investments during the previous fiscal year, the
disposition and use of excess revenues, the proceeds from
investments and the geographic distribution and distribution
between institutions of higher learning of its student loans
among residents of this State. The report must demonstrate that
all revenues, including reserves, that are acquired with
proceeds of tax-exempt bonds using a portion of the state
ceiling on private activity bonds are being used in a manner
consistent with the public purpose for which the bonds are
issued. The report must include similar information on all
affiliated entities and must be provided annually in writing to
the joint standing committees of the Legislature having
jurisdiction over business and economic development matters,
appropriations matters and education matters by December 1st. A
nonprofit corporation formed An entity designated under this
section shall also file copies of the corporation's entity
Internal Revenue Code forms and returns with the Attorney
General and the joint standing committee of the Legislature
having jurisdiction over business and economic development


This bill updates provisions for the allocation of the state
ceiling for tax-exempt bonds to allow the Governor to name a
nonprofit corporation or state agency to serve as a secondary
market for student loans that are eligible to receive an
allocation of a portion of the state ceiling and to vote on
the overall allocation of the state ceiling for tax-exempt

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