LD 1395
pg. 5
Page 4 of 30 An Act for Comprehensive Reform of Maine's Tax Structure Page 6 of 30
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Item 1

C.__Ninety-two and eight-tenths percent of the amount
remitted to the State must be paid to the municipality
that adopted the tax.

§1875.__Multimunicipal limited sales tax district authorized

Two or more municipalities may join__together for the
purpose of creating a multimunicipal limited sales__tax
district.__Before the municipal officers prepare the warrant
for any referendum vote authorizing the adoption of a
multimunicipal limited sales tax, the participating
municipalities must execute an interlocal agreement pursuant
to Title 30-A, chapter 115 that details the financial rights
and responsibilities of each participating municipality with
respect to the limited sales tax and the procedures for the
referendum. The interlocal agreement must detail the
respective municipal financial obligations in the circumstance
of any participating municipality voting at referendum to
adopt or repeal the tax and in the circumstance of any
participating municipality voting at referendum not to adopt
or repeal the tax.__For the purposes of complying with Title
30-A, section 2205, an interlocal agreement executed for the
purpose of this chapter must be submitted to the Director of
the State Planning Office within the Executive Department for

§1876.__Adjustment of state valuation

For each municipality imposing a tax under this chapter, the
State Tax Assessor shall compute a property tax base
equivalent.__The property tax base equivalent is computed by
dividing the revenue distributed to the municipality under
this chapter by the full value mill rate for the municipality.__
The property tax base equivalent for the municipality must be
added to its state valuation for purposes of distributing
state school aid under Title 20-A, Part 7, for state-municipal
revenue sharing under Title 30-A, section 5681 and for
assessment of county taxes under Title 30-A, chapter 3.


Sec. C-1. 30-A MRSA §5681, sub-§2, ¶¶C and D, as enacted by PL 1999, c.
731, Pt. U, §1, are repealed.

Sec. C-2. 30-A MRSA §5681, sub-§2, ¶E, as enacted by PL 1999, c. 731,
Pt. U, §1, is amended to read:

E. "Disproportionate tax burden" means the total real and
personal property taxes assessed in the most recently
completed municipal fiscal year, except the taxes assessed

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