LD 1395
pg. 19
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LR 824
Item 1

Sec. J-1. 36 MRSA §652, as amended by PL 2001, c. 596, Pt. B,
§§23 and 24 and affected by §25, is further amended to read:

§652. Property of institutions and organizations

The following property of institutions and organizations is
exempt from taxation:

1. Property of institutions and organizations. The
following property of institutions and organizations is exempt
from taxation:

A. The real estate and personal property owned and
occupied or used solely for their own purposes by
benevolent and charitable institutions incorporated by
this State. Such an institution may not be deprived of
the right of exemption by reason of the source from which
its funds are derived or by reason of limitation in the
classes of persons for whose benefit such funds are

For the purposes of this paragraph, "benevolent and
charitable institution" means an institution that advances
a charitable purpose, donates or renders gratuitously a
substantial portion of its services, benefits a
substantial and indefinite class of persons who are
legitimate subjects of charity, relieves the government of
some of its burden and operates entirely free from private
profit motive.__"Benevolent and charitable institutions"
may include, but are is not limited to, nonprofit nursing
homes and nonprofit boarding homes and boarding care
facilities licensed by the Department of Human Services
pursuant to Title 22, chapter 1664 or its successor,
nonprofit community mental health service facilities
licensed by the Commissioner of Behavioral and
Developmental Services pursuant to Title 34-B, chapter 3
and nonprofit child care centers incorporated by this
State as benevolent and charitable institutions. For the
purposes of this paragraph, "nonprofit" means a facility
exempt from taxation under Section 501(c)(3) of the Code;

B. The real estate and personal property owned and
occupied or used solely for their own purposes by literary
and scientific institutions. If any building or part of a
building is used primarily for employee housing, that
building, or that part of the building used for employee
housing, shall is not be exempt from taxation.;

C. Further conditions to the right of exemption under
paragraphs A and B are that:

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