LD 1390
pg. 4
Page 3 of 10 An Act To Provide Self-regulation for Registered Dental Hygienists Page 5 of 10
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LR 1269
Item 1

§15302.__Elections; quorum; reports; records; secretary-

treasurer; expenses

At its annual meeting, the board shall elect from among its
members a president, a vice-president and a secretary-
treasurer.__Three members constitute a quorum.__The board
shall have a common seal.__At a time and place to be fixed by
the board, the board shall hold at least one regular meeting
each year and special meetings as necessary.__The board may
recognize nationally or regionally administered examinations
given in the United States or Canada at least annually for
applicants to practice as dental hygienists in the State.__The
board may make rules, not contrary to law, necessary for the
performance of its duties.__On or before August 1st, the board
shall annually make a report of its proceedings to the
Commissioner of Professional and Financial Regulation.__The
secretary-treasurer of the board shall keep records of all
proceedings of the board and be the custodian of these
records.__Records that constitute and are recognized as the
official records of the board must be open for public
inspection at reasonable times.

The secretary-treasurer of the board shall collect all fees,
charges and assessments payable to the board and account for
and pay them according to law.__The secretary-treasurer is
entitled to receive an annual salary, to be fixed by the
board, in lieu of per diem compensation.__The secretary-
treasurer is entitled to necessary expenses incurred in the
discharge of official duties, including clerical and
stenographic assistance, printing and postage.__The allowance
for expenses must be certified by the president of the board.


The board may:

1.__Employees and offices; funds.__Employ persons to assist
in carrying out its duties in the administration and
enforcement of this chapter; provide offices, furniture,
fixtures, supplies or printing; and expend funds as determined

2.__Rules.__Adopt rules in accordance with the Maine
Administrative Procedure Act that are necessary for the
implementation of this chapter.__Rules adopted by the board
pursuant to this chapter are routine technical rules as
defined in Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter 2-A.__The rules
may include, but need not be limited to, requirements for
licensure, interviews for licensing and renewal, continuing
education, inactive licensure status, use of local anesthesia,
application fees, licensing and endorsement fees and fees for
providing a list of addresses of licensed professionals upon

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