LD 1383
pg. 4
Page 3 of 4 An Act To Limit the Growth of Government Spending LD 1383 Title Page
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LR 562
Item 1

2. It provides that the maximum annual percentage increase in
local government expenditures may not exceed inflation plus the
percentage change in state population in the prior year.

3. It authorizes the State or a local government to
authorize expenditures in excess of the established limit only
upon a vote of 2/3 of the entire elected membership of each
House of the Legislature, in the case of the State, or upon a
2/3 vote of the governing body of the local government, in the
case of a local government.

4. It requires that revenues collected in excess of the
spending limits must be placed in an emergency reserve fund
containing the equivalent of 3 months of operating revenues
or, if the fund already contains that amount, refunded to the

5. It requires that, in order for the bill to take effect,
the issue be submitted to the voters of the State for their

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