LD 1383
pg. 2
Page 1 of 4 An Act To Limit the Growth of Government Spending Page 3 of 4
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LR 562
Item 1

before any other transfer, the State Controller shall at the
close of the fiscal year transfer the amount representing the
excess funds to the emergency reserve fund established by the
State pursuant to section 564 at the beginning of the next
fiscal year or, if the emergency reserve fund contains the
requisite amount of funds, refund the excess funds to the
citizens of the State in the next fiscal year.

2.__Local government disposition.__If a local government
collects revenue that exceeds the expenditure limit
established for that fiscal year in section 562, subsection 2,
the local government shall transfer an amount representing the
excess funds to the emergency reserve fund established by the
local government pursuant to section 564 at the beginning of
the next fiscal year or, if the emergency reserve fund
contains the requisite amount of funds, refund the excess
funds to the citizens of the local government.

§564.__Emergency reserve fund

The State and each local government shall reserve in an
emergency reserve fund the equivalent of 3 months of operating
revenue.__Appropriations from the State's emergency reserve
fund may be made by a 2/3 vote of the entire elected
membership of each House of the Legislature, and
appropriations from the emergency reserve fund of a local
government may be made by a 2/3 vote of the governing body of
the local government.

Sec. 2. 5 MRSA §1513, sub-§1, as corrected by RR 1999, c. 2, §1, is
amended to read:

1. Maine Rainy Day Fund. As the first priority before any
other transfer After transfers made pursuant to section 563,
the State Controller shall at the close of each fiscal year
reserve from the unappropriated surplus of the General Fund an
amount equal to 1/2 the excess of total General Fund revenues
received over accepted estimates in that fiscal year and
transfer that amount to the Maine Rainy Day Fund at the
beginning of the next fiscal year. Accepted revenue estimates
may not be increased after adjournment of each First Regular
Session of the Legislature except as provided. For the first
year of the biennium, revenue estimates for the 2nd year of
the biennium may be adjusted once during the Second Regular
Session of the Legislature. Accepted revenue estimates may be
increased for other fiscal periods only if an amount not to
exceed 1/2 of the increase is transferred by the State
Controller to the Rainy Day Fund at the same time from the
unappropriated surplus of the General Fund. The fund may not
exceed 6% of the total General Fund revenues received in the
immediately preceding fiscal year and may not lapse, but
remains in a continuing carrying account to carry out the
purposes of this section. A reduction in the fund is not
necessary in the event the total General Fund

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