LD 1380
pg. 10
Page 9 of 10 An Act To Promote Safety and Fair Labor Practices for Forestry Workers LD 1380 Title Page
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LR 266
Item 1

which may be owned by entities other than the entities that own
the housing provided to forestry workers under this bill, in
order to travel to such housing.

The bill prohibits any person from discriminating or
retaliating against any person who exercises the rights or
protections provided by the new law or who files a complaint
or participates in a proceeding under the law.

Persons who violate the law are subject to civil penalties
of up to $2,500 per violation, enforceable by the Attorney
General. That amount increases to $50,000 for certain
egregious violations that result in a worker's bodily injury
or death. The bill also provides a private right of action
for aggrieved persons and declares void any attempt to waive
or modify the workers' rights under the law. All persons who
are considered employers of a worker are jointly and severally
liable for violations of the law.

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