LD 1369
pg. 48
Page 47 of 49 An Act To Establish the Maine Community College System Page 49 of 49
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LR 2033
Item 1

C. The employer shall submit a workplace health and
safety plan to the Department of Labor for review and
comment, complete the elements of the plan and notify the
Department of Labor of its completion. The plan may
include attendance at a technical community college in the
State or the Department of Labor workplace health and
safety training programs.

Sec. 126. Transition provisions. The following provisions apply to the
Maine Community College System on the effective date of this
Act. The Maine Community College System, including all of its
component entities, is the successor in every way to the
powers, duties and function of the Maine Technical College
System, including all of its component entities. These
powers, duties and functions include, but are not limited to,
the following:

1. The members of the Board of Trustees of the Maine
Technical College System shall serve as members of the Board
of Trustees of the Maine Community College System until their
appointed terms expire.

2. All accrued expenditures, assets, liabilities, balances,
allocations, transfers, revenues and all other available funds
of the Maine Technical College System are authorized for use
by the Maine Community College System.

3. All existing rules, regulations and procedures in
effect, in operation or adopted in or by the Maine Technical
College System or officers continue in effect until rescinded,
revised or amended by the pertinent authority within the Maine
Community College System.

4. All existing contracts, agreements, bonds, insurances,
leases and compacts currently in effect in the Maine Technical
College System continue in effect until rescinded, revised or
amended by the pertinent authority within the Maine Community
College System.

5. The Maine Community College System shall serve as the
successor employer to, and shall assume the obligations of,
the Maine Technical College System.

6. All buildings, automobiles, real property, equipment and
other property previously belonging to or allocated for the
use of the Maine Technical College System become the property
of the Maine Community College System.

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