LD 1369
pg. 22
Page 21 of 49 An Act To Establish the Maine Community College System Page 23 of 49
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LR 2033
Item 1

2. Statewide and regional planning and coordination.
Coordinating, on a statewide and regional basis, the planning
and operation of the post-secondary applied technology and
technical education programs offered by the institutes colleges
with the planning and operation of:

A. The college and university programs offered by the
several other institutions of higher learning in the

B. The adult, continuing and community education programs
overseen by the Department of Education, Division of Adult
and Community Education, or its successor;

C. The secondary occupational and applied technology
education programs overseen by the Department of
Education, Division of Applied Technology Education, or
its successor;

D. The employment and training programs funded under the
United States Job Training Partnership Act, Public Law 97-
300, or its successor, and overseen by the Department of
Labor, Bureau of Employment Services, or its successor;

E. The economic development programs overseen by the
Department of Economic and Community Development, or its
successor, and other economic development programs and
agencies throughout the State;

Sec. 69. 20-A MRSA §12705, sub-§1, ¶G, as amended by PL 1995, c. 688,
§11, is further amended to read:

G. One member who is from the student body of one of the
technical college campuses at the time of appointment and
who is a permanent resident of the State. To be eligible
for appointment as a student member, a student must be
enrolled for a minimum of 12 credit hours per semester.

The student member is a full voting member of the board of
trustees and serves for a 2-year term and until a successor is
qualified. By January 1st of every 2nd year, the president of
the system shall solicit a list of 6 eligible students from
the student governments from 6 of the campuses within the
Maine Technical Community College System, the 7th campus being
excluded in accordance with this subsection. The Governor
shall then nominate a student trustee chosen from the list
within 30 days of receiving the list of names. The nomination
is subject to review by the joint standing committee of the
Legislature having jurisdiction over education matters and to
by the Legislature. The student trustee may not come from the

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