LD 1369
pg. 10
Page 9 of 49 An Act To Establish the Maine Community College System Page 11 of 49
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LR 2033
Item 1

J. The administrator of the Maine Fire Training and
Education Program within the Maine Technical Community
College System, or the administrator's designee; and

Sec. 26. 5 MRSA §7051, sub-§4, as amended by PL 2001, c. 662, §§1 to
3, is further amended to read:

4. Employees in military service; substitutes. Whenever
any employee, regularly employed in other than a temporary
position for a period of at least 6 months by the State or by
any department, bureau, commission or office of the State, or
by the University of Maine System, technical colleges Maine
Community College System, Maine School Building Authority,
Maine Turnpike Authority, Finance Authority of Maine or any
other state or quasi-state agency, or by any county,
municipality, township or school district within the State
shall in time of war, contemplated war, emergency or limited
emergency, enlist enlists, enroll enrolls, be is called or
ordered or be drafted into the Armed Forces of the United
States or any branch or unit thereof, or shall be is regularly
drafted under federal manpower regulations, the employee shall
may not be deemed or held to have thereby resigned from or
abandoned employment, nor shall may be removable during the
period of service. "Temporary," for the purpose of this
section, means employment based on a seasonal or on-call basis
or employment based on a contract of less than 6 months'

E. When a permanent classified employee is on extended
leave, a substitute may be employed, subject to personnel
rules, until return or separation of the incumbent.

Sec. 27. 5 MRSA §7054, sub-§4, as amended by PL 1989, c. 443, §12,
is further amended to read:

4. Retention preference. In any reduction in personnel in
the state service, veteran preference employees shall must be
retained in preference to all other competing employees in the
same classification with equal seniority, status and service

In determining qualifications for examination and appointment
with respect to veteran preference eligibles under this
section, the director or other examining agency may waive
requirements as to age, height and weight, provided that any
such requirement is not essential to the performance of the
duties of the position for which examination is given. The
director or other examining agency, after giving due
consideration to the recommendation of any accredited
physician, may waive the physical requirements in the case of
any veteran, provided that the veteran is, in the opinion of
the director or other examining agency, physically

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