LD 1360
pg. 8
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LR 1206
Item 1

2.__Attorney General's duties.__Except as provided in
subsection 3, the Attorney General shall receive and
investigate complaints concerning violations of section 14752,
14753, 14754 or 14756 and file civil enforcement actions
seeking injunctive relief, attorney's fees and civil penalties
in an amount not to exceed $1,000 for each violation.__If the
court finds the defendant willfully or knowingly violated
section 14752, 14753, 14754 or 14756, the court may increase
the amount of the civil penalties to an amount not to exceed
$3,000 for each violation.__A violation of section 14752,
14753, 14754 or 14756 is subject to enforcement action by the
Attorney General's consumer protection division.__If the
complaint alleges that the person violating section 14752,
14753, 14754 or 14756 is a telecommunications provider, the
Attorney General has exclusive jurisdiction, notwithstanding
subsection 3, over the violation alleged in the complaint,
except that this does not affect the right of a consumer to
bring an action under subsection 4.

For purposes of this subsection, "telecommunications provider"
means a local exchange carrier, a commercial mobile radio
service provider, as defined in 47 United States Code, Section
332(d), an employee of a local exchange carrier or commercial
mobile radio service provider acting within the scope of the
employee's employment or an agent of a local exchange carrier
or commercial mobile radio service provider acting within the
scope of the agent's agency.

3.__State agency duties.__A state agency that issues a
license to a state licensee shall receive and investigate
complaints concerning violations of section 14752, 14753,
14754 or 14756 by the licensee, may assess an administrative
penalty not to exceed $1,000 for each violation and may order
restitution of any monetary damages of the complainant.__In
addition, if the agency finds that the licensee willfully or
knowingly violated any of those sections, the agency may
suspend or revoke the licensee's license.__All administrative
fees collected pursuant to this subsection accrue to the
Department of the Attorney General for use by the Attorney
General for enforcement and administration of this subchapter.

4.__Consumer cause of action.__A consumer may bring a cause
of action against a telemarketer as provided in this

A.__A consumer on the Maine no-contact list may bring a
civil action based on the 2nd or a subsequent violation of
section 14756 if:

(1)__The consumer has notified the telemarketer of the alleged
violation and, not later than the 30th day after the date of
the call, files a verified complaint

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