LD 1360
pg. 14
Page 13 of 14 An Act To Create a No-contact List and Prohibit Unsolicited E-mail LD 1360 Title Page
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LR 1206
Item 1

a new number or e-mail address. The list must be updated every

6. It allows telemarketers and commercial e-mail senders to
purchase the Maine no-contact list from the Attorney General
for a fee not to exceed $75 and prohibits telemarketers from
calling consumers listed on the Maine no-contact list.

7. It allows an action to be brought against a telemarketer
by the Attorney General, by a state agency that licenses the
telemarketer or by the affected consumer. A violation is
punishable by a civil penalty or administrative penalty of up
to $3,000 for each violation.

8. It requires the Attorney General to report to the
Legislature every 2 years regarding the Maine no-contact list,
complaints and enforcement actions and any suggested changes
for improving the regulation of telemarketing.

9. It restricts unsolicited commercial e-mail, defined as
e-mail that is sent for the purpose of advertising or
conveying information about real property, goods or services
or extending credit or soliciting contributions, by requiring
the e-mail to contain a valid toll-free telephone number,
physical postal address and a return e-mail address maintained
by the sender to which the recipient may respond indicating
that the recipient does not wish to receive further
unsolicited commercial e-mail from the sender. The
restriction does not apply to e-mail sent to persons with whom
the sender has a prior relationship or who have requested the
information from the sender. Unsolicited commercial e-mail
would need to include in the subject line a label, as
specified, so that recipients are made aware of the nature of
the e-mail. Each unsolicited commercial e-mail sent to a
recipient in violation is considered an unfair trade practice.

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