LD 1360
pg. 10
Page 9 of 14 An Act To Create a No-contact List and Prohibit Unsolicited E-mail Page 11 of 14
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LR 1206
Item 1

E.__Any other matter that justice may require.

§14758.__E-mail solicitation restricted

1.__Requirements.__A person sending unsolicited commercial
e-mail shall maintain a valid toll-free telephone number,
physical postal address and return e-mail address that the
recipient may use to provide notice to the sender that the
recipient does not wish to receive any more unsolicited
commercial e-mail.

2.__Statement.__All unsolicited commercial e-mail must

A.__In the subject line:

(1)__The first 4 characters as follows: "ADV:"; and

(2)__If the unsolicited commercial e-mail contains
information about material that may be viewed only by
a person at least 18 years of age, the first 8
characters as follows: "ADV:ADLT";

B.__A statement informing the recipient of the name of the
person or entity from which the unsolicited commercial e-
mail originated;

C.__The return e-mail address required by subsection 1;

D.__A statement informing the recipient that the recipient
may use the return e-mail address to notify the sender
that the recipient does not want to receive any more
unsolicited commercial e-mails from the sender.

3.__Prohibition.__A person receiving notification, either
from the recipient or by virtue of the presence of the
recipient's e-mail address on the Maine no-contact list, from
a recipient that the recipient does not wish to receive any
more unsolicited commercial e-mails from that person shall
cease to send unsolicited commercial e-mails to that
recipient.__If a recipient is the registered owner of more
than one e-mail address and notifies the sender of unsolicited
commercial e-mails to cease sending unsolicited commercial e-
mails to all of the e-mail addresses registered to that person
or entity, the sender shall cease to send unsolicited
commercial e-mails to those addresses.

4.__Penalty.__ Violation of this section is an unfair trade
practice as prohibited by Title 5, section 207.__Each
unsolicited commercial e-mail transmission to a recipient in
violation of this chapter constitutes a separate violation.__
The Attorney

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