LD 1356
pg. 4
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LR 1441
Item 1


Sec. D-1. 22 MRSA §42, sub-§7, ¶G is enacted to read:

G.__In administrative appeals of informal review decisions
of MaineCare payment, recovery, recoupment and cost report
and other audit issues, the department bears the burden of
proving a violation of rule or other law by a
preponderance of the evidence.__If the department finds
records of goods or services to be insufficient but has
made no finding that the goods or services affected by the
insufficiency were not provided or delivered as claimed,
the department may not require total recoupment of
MaineCare funds associated with the affected goods or
services.__In cases where the department has made such a
finding and asserted such a claim, the department must
fulfill the burden of proof set forth in this paragraph.

Sec. D-2. 22 MRSA §49 is enacted to read:

§49.__Interpretation of rules

When implementing the law and applying its rules governing
the MaineCare program, the department shall make
determinations of deviations from acceptable behavior and
practices based on standard practices in the relevant service
provider industry.

Sec. D-3. Retroactivity; application to pending proceedings. Notwithstanding
the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 1, section 302, this Part
applies retroactively to proceedings pending before the
Commissioner of Human Services on January 1, 2003.

Emergency clause. In view of the emergency cited in the
preamble, this Act takes effect when approved.


Under current law, the Department of Human Services is
required to use independent, impartial hearing officers to
hear appeals of informal review decisions of MaineCare payment
and cost report issues filed by providers of nursing facility
services and medical and remedial private nonmedical
institution services. Part A of this bill extends the
requirements of that appeal process, including the impartial
hearing officer requirement, to any other informal review
decisions that seek to impose repayment, recovery or
recoupment obligations or sanctions or fines on service

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