LD 1356
pg. 2
Page 1 of 5 An Act To Provide Fair Hearing Procedures in the Department of Human Services ... Page 3 of 5
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LR 1441
Item 1

C. Compensation under the contract may reflect the number
of appeals on which recommendations are made by the hearing
officer and may not reflect the substance of the
recommendations made by the hearing officer.

D. The hearing officer shall conduct a hearing de novo on
issues raised in the notice of appeal filed by the service
provider and shall in a timely manner render a written
recommendation based on the record and in accordance with
applicable state and federal law, rule and regulation.
The hearing officer shall provide a copy of the
recommendation to the department and to the service
provider along with notice of the opportunity to submit
written comments to the commissioner.

E. The recommendation of the hearing officer must be
forwarded to the commissioner for a final decision, based
on the record, which must include any written comment
submitted in a timely manner by the service provider and
the department. The commissioner may adopt, adopt with
modification or reject the recommendation of the hearing
officer. The commissioner shall issue a final decision in
writing, which must include the reasons for any departure
from the recommendation of the hearing officer and notice
of the process for appeal pursuant to Title 5, chapter
375, subchapter VII 7.

F.__The department shall reimburse a service provider for
attorney's and related consultant fees incurred for
representation in an appeal of an informal review decision
of any MaineCare payment, recovery, recoupment and cost
report and other audit issues, if the service provider
prevails in the appeal.__If the department considers the
fee to be unreasonable, the department may petition the
Superior Court for a determination of the reasonable fee.__
The court shall apply the criteria set forth in Maine Bar
Rule 3.3(a), or its successor.__A service provider may
file a petition in the course of proceedings for judicial
review of the department's final decision on appeal from
an informal review decision.__If no appeal is timely taken
from the department's decision but the department does not
find the associated fee reasonable, the department may
file a petition for a determination of the fee as an
independent action.

The department shall provide funding for contractual services
under this subsection from within existing resources.

Sec. A-2. 22 MRSA §48 is enacted to read:

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