LD 1354
pg. 29
Page 28 of 29 An Act To Permit Video Gaming for Money Conducted by Nonprofit Organizations ... LD 1354 Title Page
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Item 1

The license specifies the number of terminals allowed on the
premises, and the maximum number of terminals allowed is 5 per
licensee. Terminals must be licensed by the Chief of the State
Police and must be connected to a computer system operated by
the Director of the Bureau of Alcoholic Beverages and Lottery
Operations within the Department of Administrative and Financial
Services. By the end of a 5-year phase-in period, this computer
system must provide continuous on-line monitoring of video
gaming terminal activity. Persons under 21 years of age are not
allowed to use the machines. Only members of the organization
and their guests are allowed to play. The maximum dollar amount
for each play is $5 and the maximum payout is $1,250. Each game
on each machine must return at least 80% of wagers to players,
calculated on an annual basis.

Net terminal income, which is income after payback to
players, is divided as follows: 8% to the State for payment
into the Video Gaming Fund for administrative expenses,
municipal revenue sharing and Public Education Fund revenue;
2% to the Compulsive Gambler Rehabilitation Fund; and 90% to
the licensee.

Licenses are issued for one year. Applicants for an initial
license must pay the actual costs of processing the
application and performing the background investigation.

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