LD 1354
pg. 23
Page 22 of 29 An Act To Permit Video Gaming for Money Conducted by Nonprofit Organizations ... Page 24 of 29
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LR 540
Item 1

D.__The court shall promptly, but not less than 2 weeks
after notice, hold a hearing on the petition under
paragraph A after an answer is filed by a person served
with notice under paragraph C.__At the hearing, the court
shall hear evidence and make findings of fact and enter
conclusions of law.

E.__Based on the findings and conclusions, the court shall
issue a final order from which the parties have a right of
appeal.__The final order must provide for disposition of
the illegal gaming machine and any monetary contents by
the State.__Any revenue generated by the disposition of
the illegal machine__and any monetary contents of the
machine must be used to pay the reasonable expenses of the
forfeiture proceedings, seizure, storage, maintenance of
custody, advertising and notice.__The balance, if any,
must be deposited in the General Fund.

4.__Records.__Any law enforcement officer, department or
agency having custody of an illegal gaming machine or any
monetary contents of an illegal gaming machine, or having
disposed of the illegal gaming machine__or any monetary
contents, shall keep and maintain during the pendency of the
action full and complete records in accordance with this
subsection.__Upon issuance by the court of a final order
ordering the disposition, destruction or return of the illegal
machine or the monetary contents, the officer, department or
agency shall transmit a copy of those records to the
Department of Public Safety for inclusion into a centralized

A.__The records must show:

(1)__From whom the illegal machine__and any monetary
contents were received;

(2)__Under what authority the illegal machine and any
monetary contents are held, received or disposed of;

(3)__To whom the illegal machine and any monetary
contents are delivered;

(4)__The date and manner of destruction or
disposition of the illegal machine; and

(5)__The exact kinds, quantities and forms of illegal
gaming machines and the exact amount of any monetary
contents of any machine held in custody or disposed

B.__The records must be open to inspections by all federal and
state officers authorized by the laws of the United

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