LD 1347
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act To Clarify the Authority of the Attorney General To Seek Restitution and... LD 1347 Title Page
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LR 1313
Item 1

4. A summary of telephone calls to a consumer assistance
phone line maintained by the Department of Professional and
Financial Regulation, Bureau of Insurance and the manner with
which those calls were handled.

The superintendent may request any information required to
complete the report required by this section, subject to the
confidentiality provisions of the Maine Revised Statutes,
Title 24-A, section 216, subsection 5.

The superintendent shall submit the report and the Attorney
General and the superintendent's recommendations no later than
January 1, 2004 to the Attorney General and the Joint Standing
Committee on Insurance and Financial Services. The committee
may report out legislation to the Second Regular Session of
the 121st Legislature necessary to implement the
recommendations of the superintendent or to address other
issues raised by the report.


This bill clarifies that, in those instances when the
Superintendent of Insurance has notified the Attorney General
of a violation of the insurance laws, the Attorney General is
required to institute actions against the violator, including
actions requiring restitution.

This bill also requires the superintendent to investigate
and report on certain insurance practices, including changes
made in underwriting standards, product design and benefit
structure of health, life, personal and commercial insurance
products. The superintendent is required to submit the report
and any recommendations to the Attorney General and the Joint
Standing Committee on Insurance and Financial Services.

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