LD 1340
pg. 4
Page 3 of 8 An Act To Amend the Educators for Maine Program Page 5 of 8
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LR 1808
Item 1

Loans of up to $1,500 $2,000 per academic year or $6,000
$8,000 total may be made to students pursuing
postbaccalaureate certification. Loans of up to $3,000 per
academic year or $12,000 total may be made to eligible
graduating high school seniors and college students. Loans of
up to $3,000 per academic year or $6,000 total may be made to
eligible child development students pursuing an associate's
degree in child development, and loans of up to $3,000 total
but not exceeding the cost of tuition, books and fees may be
made to child development students pursuing a child
development associate certification undergraduate students.
An individual who has received a an Educators for Maine loan
or a Blaine House Scholars Program loan as a graduating high
school senior or as a college student as an undergraduate may
also receive a loan for students pursuing postbaccalaureate
certification or as a teacher or speech pathologist engaged in
graduate education or continuing education. In no event may
an individual receive more than $18,000 $20,000 in total
Educators for Maine loans. Loans for undergraduate students,
postbaccalaureate recipients and child development students
pursuing an associate's degree in child development are for
one academic year and are automatically renewed renewable if
the recipient maintains a grade point average of at least 2.5
based on a 4.0 grade point system or the equivalent and
submits a complete renewal application by the deadline

Sec. 6. 20-A MRSA §12505, sub-§1, as amended by PL 1999, c. 441, §9,
is further amended to read:

1. Eligibility for loans for undergraduate education. A
postsecondary education loan may be given only to a high
school graduate, or the equivalent, who is a resident of the
State, who has been recognized as a Educators for Maine loan
recipient and who has met other eligibility criteria
established by rule of the authority. An Educators for Maine
loan recipient must be an undergraduate at an institution of
higher education. Preference must be given to students
enrolled in a program that has been determined to be an
underserved subject area.

Sec. 7. 20-A MRSA §12505, sub-§2, as amended by PL 1999, c. 441, §9,
is repealed.

Sec. 8. 20-A MRSA §12505, sub-§3, as amended by PL 1999, c. 441, §9,
is further amended to read:

3. Eligibility for postbaccalaureate certification. A loan
to a student pursuing postbaccalaureate certification may be
given only to a resident of the State who has shown academic
achievement, who has a baccalaureate degree, who is not
eligible for a loan for graduate study or continuing education
pursuant to

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