LD 1332
pg. 3
Page 2 of 3 An Act To Recognize the Maine Rural Development Council LD 1332 Title Page
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LR 1606
Item 1

Sec. 3. Transition provisions. This Act allocates in statute
provisions recognizing the Maine Rural Development Council,
which was initiated in 1991 by Executive Order 8, FY 91/92.
It establishes the Maine Rural Development Board as the
governing body of the council and authorizes the board to
participate in the National Rural Development Partnership.
Members of the Maine Rural Development Board and the executive
director of the Maine Rural Development Council serving on the
effective date of this Act continue to serve. The Maine Rural
Development Council must continue to be governed in accordance
with its bylaws adopted June 22, 2000 and subsequent amendment
to those bylaws.


This bill establishes the Maine Rural Development Council in
statute and designates it as the entity authorized to
participate in the National Rural Development Partnership.

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